Gex wiki


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Gex wiki
DracuGex Picture In Need Of Inspiration
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"Go back to your distant roots when reptiles ruled the world and... yada, yada, yada. Hey, that guy could almost buy beer with my ID." -Manual excerpt.

The Pre-History Channel is a pre-history themed world in Gex: Enter The Gecko. In the level Gex is disguised as a caveman. The entire level is flowing with lava so be careful. In addition to lava there are molten boulders that can crush Gex and steam vents of fire. Also Dinosaurs from the Cretaceous can be found plus Gex's primitive ancestor.

Setting and inspiration[]

In the Cretaceous Period in what will be Hawaii, Gex goes from a Volcano rigged to mark the extinction of the Dinosaurs such as Uniceratops, and Deinonychus to a cavern chambers with Gex's prehistoric ancestor Geckolosaurus (Cave Gecko), and Rezodactyls (Rez's prize creations tampering the timeline), to survive maybe impossible for Gex!



Playstation Demo Video[]









  • This level is based on pop-culture depictions of Neanderthals, or "cavemen."
  • While a T-Rex is featured in the channel's logo, it does not appear in the game as an enemy.
  • The "In a Land Before Time" quote is a reference to the Land Before Time movie franchise.
  • The secret level "Lava Dabba Doo" is not included in the N64 version of the game.
  • "Pangea 90210" is a reference to the teen drama TV show, Beverly Hills, 90210 and the supercontinent of Pangea.
  • "This Old Cave" is a reference to the home improvement TV show, This Old House.
  • "Lava Dabba Doo" is a reference to Fred Flintstone's famous catchphrase "Yabba dabba doo."
  • This level's music was re-used in the Dinosaur track of Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour. Both titles were developed by Crystal Dynamics, and featured Jim Hedges as their lead composer. Therefore, it makes sense that some of Hedges' previous works would be repurposed for this game. An altered rendition of the Holiday Broadcasting track from Gex 3 was also used in this game.
  • In the Game Boy Color version, the third collectable; the Dino-Cranes was replaced with a bone sprite.