Anime Channel is the 9th level/channel of Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko. This outfit also gives Gex the ability of gliding. In the PS1 version's post-level cutscene after the first playthrough of this level, Gex realises that by this time, he has run out of disguises.
Setting and inspiration[]
The level takes place in some sort of spaceship. It is based on Japanese animation, more commonly known outside Japan as "anime", though primarily has influences from its mecha and shonen subgenres. Gex dresses up in a robotic outfit reminescent of popular mecha animes, such as Transformers or Gundam.
Missions and strategy[]
Unlike most other levels, each mission has a dedicated path, each with its own set of hazards. Each Exit TV is also colored accordingly.
Demolish the Three Protoculture Tubes[]
This mission can be accessed by taking the pink door. Follow the path and avoid the spinning lasers to reach a room with a giant fan and a Baton-bot. Take out the robot and deactivate the fan by hitting the switch above it and you will be able to descend to the next floor. In the next room, another Baton-bot and a machine that seemingly manufactures Sailor Toon Girls will be waiting for you. Dispose of the enemies and the door they were guarding will open. The next batch of rooms have the same gimmick, so defeat the Sailor Toon Girls and Baton-bots until you reach a room with platforms similar in function to the ones from No Weddings and a Funeral. Ride the elevator up to where the platforms are located and use them to reach a switch that will open the door right next to it. This will lead to a room with another fan. Turn off the fan and head down into a room full of Baton-bots and Sailor Toon Girls. Defeat them and a door leading to a large arena will open. Here, you will face a Kue-ku Droid who must be defeated to open up the next door. The door that opens will lead directly to one of the Protoculture Tube chambers. It is guarded by a Baton-bot and some Sailor Toon Girls, so take them out and destroy the tube. This will cause another Kue-ku Droid to spawn. Taking out the second droid will open the next door, which has an unguarded Protoculture Tube. However, once the tube is destroyed, Sailor Toon Girls will ambush Gex and another Kue-ku Droid will appear, but this time, lasers will start to shoot down around the droid. While this final batch of Sailor Toon Girls are not required to take down to complete the mission, you'll have to dispose of them anyway since they have Fly Coins you'll need to get the fourth remote with along with a Bonus Coin. As for the Kue-ku Droid, demolish it and open the last door. Unlike the other Protoculture Tubes, this one is guarded by lasers. Find the nearby switch and deactivate the laser security. Once you destroy the last tube, the TV in the hub area will activate. However, if you wish to make it to the TV, then you'll have to contend with one last Kue-ku Droid, as the door leading back to the TV is locked. Defeat the droid and head back to the main area and the remote is yours.
Deactivate the Planet Destroyer[]
This mission can be accessed via the green door. Once the player passes through the door, there will be a series of elevators that Gex must reach to get to the Planet Destroyer. However, there will be a series of gauntlets that Gex must overcome to get to each one. First, there is a spiraling path that is guarded by hidden flamethrowers. Activating the switch at the end of the boobytrapped path will turn on the first elevator. This will take the player up to an area with some Rezlings. Defeat the Rezlings and get past the flamethrowers hidden in the ground to reach the second elevator. This will take the player to a room with flamethrowers and grenades to dodge. Avoid the obstacles and get to the final elevator. The room it takes the player to only contains grenades, so avoid those and head to a switch. Hit the switch and the first elevator will be able to take you up to the Planet Destroyer. Jump your way to the top of the gun and head to the bridge leading to a switch, dealing with more Rezlings along the way. Deactivating the switch opens up the control room for the Planet Destroyer. Hitting the switch in that room will destroy the battery for the Planet Destroyer, activating the mission's TV. Head back to the main room and collect your prize.
Find and Destroy the Five Rogue Mechs[]
This mission lies beyond the blue door. The door will lead the player to a large room that contains all five Kue-ku Droid that must be terminated to complete the mission. However, they can only be reached by activating the fan in the center of the room, and that fan will only turn on after defeating the two Secbots guarding it. Defeat them and ascend to either side of the hallway on the upper floor. Three of the five Kue-ku Droids will spawn here, and when each are defeated, the glass covering the water underneath the hallway will break, allowing Gex to swim underwater and hit the switch in the pool. This causes the wind the fan produces in the center of the room to strengthen, letting Gex travel further up and allow him to reach the last two Kue-ku Droids on the balconies. Destroying both will turn the TV on in the main room, allowing the player to get their reward.
December 30th, 1998 prototype[]
Early Beta Screenshots[]
PlayStation Demo Video[]
- Part of the level's theme song resembles that of the anime Sailor Moon.
- In the December prototype build, the channel was originally called 'Anime Theater'
Levels in Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko | |||
Gex Cave (hub) | |||
Mission Control | Holiday Broadcasting | Mystery TV | ||
Lake Flaccid | Tut TV | Army Channel | Western Station | The Buccaneer Program | ||
Slappy Valley | Mythology Network | Fairytales TV | Anime Channel | ||
Funky Town | Gangster TV | Superhero Show | ||
Boss levels | WWGex Wrestling | Lizard of Oz | Channel Z | ||
Bonus Levels | Marsupial Madness | Gextreme Sports | War and Pieces | True Grits | What a Crock! | ||
Secret Levels | Dial "A" for Arson / Peg Leg Polka | Braveheartless / Temple of Gloom | The Abyssmal | Cheesy Rider | ||
Unsused Levels | Fish Frequency | Gtown1 | Fvilla1 | Jaws1 | Pirate88 | Proto55 |